I'm back at my Connecticut home away from home for the 3rd time in a calendar year. (Thanks Goodspeed!) First Hello, Dolly! (an experience not soon to be replicated), then Snapshots with my new friend David Stern and my old friend Stephen Schwartz.
This time, it's DAMN YANKEES.
Joe DiPietro has taken the show and brilliantly revised it, changing the Washington Senators to the Boston Red Sox. His revisions are brilliant, and it's been so much fun working with him in the very room where I first met him, as the Associate Director on All Shook Up!
The cast is incredible. Stephen Mark Lukas is a perfect Joe, Angel Reda is as Lola as Lola can get and David Beach is the funniest Applegate I have ever seen. And the boys on the team are a thoroughly motley crew - in the absolute best way. They look and act like real life 1952 ball players.
This show is also reuniting me with some incredible pals from Dolly. Kelli Barclay, who has graduated from moving 6 waiters around the mini Goodspeed stage to a full baseball team of 9 guys, the tallest of whom is a whopping 6' 6". Also joining me on this are Adrian Jones who designed Dolly, and my dear old friend (and dining partner) David Woolard, who is outdoing himself here, and is a now officially an expert on period baseball uniforms.
Goodspeed is directly between Yanks and Sox territory. Check out the graphic below.
You can see where my allegiance lies below.
We start previews on April 11th and open on April 30th.
CLICK HERE for more information. See you at the Goodspeed! (I'll be eating HERE or HERE before the show. You should too.)